
Naveed Khan Verified

Experience years of experience

Students taught lessons taught

About Naveed Khan

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne and have over 5 years of tutoring experience in machine learning programming and maths. As an educator I have taught international students on various online tutoring platforms including an exclusive course on YouTube where I shared practical insights and coding sessions. My teaching approach includes providing the basic intuition behind difficult concepts with hands on programming practice sessions. This helps students grasp difficult concepts easily and equips them with practical implementation knowledge which is often missing from other tutoring practices. I create an engaging and interactive learning environment that encourages students to ask questions ans sparks their curosity.


I am a PhD scholar in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. I received my bachelors and masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and was awarded a Gold Medal for securing the first position in my batch. I have been tutoring on various platforms and have over 5 years of tutoring experience.

Class location
Online Home Tution Group tution
Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Pre 12pm Pre 12pm
12 - 5pm 12 - 5pm
After 5pm After 5pm
English Hindi
Artificial intelligence Machine Learning Programming languages Maths

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